Issue #6, Summer, 1959, contains an editorial and a full article by Dr. Merritt brilliantly summarizing the implications of the various schools and problems of philosophy as they might touch the homophile, and an article by W. Dorr Legg dealing with the problems facing homosexuals in the study of history; a lighthearted but scholarly look at the evidence of Gertrude Stein's homosexuality, by A. E. Smith; a brief paper by Helen Kitchen Branson, M.A. Issue #7, Fall, 1959, contains the exciting text of the New York District Court's ruling on the book, "Lady Chatterly's Lover'; an examination of the problems facing homosexuals seeking religious outlets, and of the problems that the homosexual poses for Churchmen, by James Kepner; and the summation of the excellent study of social background and behavior of a group of Lesbians, carried out by the Daughters of Bilitis, with an introduction by Dr. Virginia Armon of Pasadena.

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